Purchase a Back Issue of Harpur Palate
This is NOT a submission category. If you'd like to submit your work, please chose the appropriate category below during our reading period.
This category is for back issues only. Our current issue is available through our subscription category.
Back issues are $8 per copy. The extra $1 included here is for Submittable fees. Please specify in the cover letter box which issue you'd like, where you'd like it sent, and to whom it should be addressed.
*Please note that issues 11.2 and 13.1 are no longer available*
Thank you for your interest in Harpur Palate! As always, thank you for your support and we hope to read work from you soon.
This category is for back issues only. Our current issue is available through our subscription category.
Back issues are $8 per copy. The extra $1 included here is for Submittable fees. Please specify in the cover letter box which issue you'd like, where you'd like it sent, and to whom it should be addressed.
*Please note that issues 11.2 and 13.1 are no longer available*
Thank you for your interest in Harpur Palate! As always, thank you for your support and we hope to read work from you soon.